Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kindergarten Buddies Valentines Day Party

8th grade students had a blast when they went to the Kindergarten room on February 13th. While there, they worked together to pair word hearts, iced cookies and exchanged valentines. Each of the buddies had loads of fun. We look forward to the get together in March.

Kindergarten Buddies

Throughout the semester, 8th graders will be going over to the Kindergarten room where they will pair up with a kindergartener. These pairs will complete different activities and generally have lots of fun. Most activities will take place once a month.

Classroom Activities - American History

This blog category will be used as an opportunity to help keep you informed of the activities going in the classroom. Each week a different student will post based on what has been happening. Other students will have the opportunity to contribute through the comments section and add their own thoughts. The incredibly fun part is that you as parents and community members can also comment, ask questions and participate with the students in the classroom.

Classroom Activities - Government

This blog category will be used as an opportunity to help keep you informed of the activities going in the classroom. Each week a different student will post based on what has been happening. Other students will have the opportunity to contribute through the comments section and add their own thoughts. The incredibly fun part is that you as parents and community members can also comment, ask questions and participate with the students in the classroom.

Classroom Activities - 8th Grade

This blog category will be used as an opportunity to help keep you informed of the activities going in the classroom. Each week a different student will post based on what has been happening. Other students will have the opportunity to contribute through the comments section and add their own thoughts. The incredibly fun part is that you as parents and community members can also comment, ask questions and participate with the students in the classroom.

Classroom Activities - 7th Grade

This blog category will be used as an opportunity to help keep you informed of the activities going in the classroom. Each week a different student will post based on what has been happening. Other students will have the opportunity to contribute through the comments section and add their own thoughts. The incredibly fun part is that you as parents and community members can also comment, ask questions and participate with the students in the classroom.

Classroom Rules

There are many different classroom rules from around the world. I thought it would be fun to take a look at those before I list my rules.

Japanese Classroom:
  1. When the teacher enters, rise and bow. Greet the teacher in unison.
  2. Come to school prepared with pencils, erasers, pens, paper and textbooks.
  3. Raise your hand to answer questions. Stand before answering.
  4. Be quiet during class.
  5. Keep to the right in the hall. No running.
  6. Help clean the classroom, halls and yard. Pick up trash, sweep floor and yard, and stack chairs before anyone leaves.
Chinese Classroom:
  1. Cooperate with your classmates. Show group spirit.
  2. Respect your teachers and obey them without question.
  3. Be courteous at all times. Don't fight.
  4. Don't be late. Don't miss school. Listen carefully in class.
  5. Join in after-school activities.
  6. Protect school property.
Soviet Classroom:
  1. Don't embarrass your school or class.
  2. Obey your teachers, principal and parents without asking questions.
  3. Come to school on time, clean and neatly dressed and prepared.
  4. Keep your desk clean.
  5. Stand when the teacher enters or leaves.
  6. Raise your hand to ask or answer a question. Stand straight while reciting.
  7. Make notes of all assignments. Show the notes to your parents. Do your homework without help.
Now I don't think my rules are quite that interesting or entertaining. However, because of the computers in the room we will follow them pretty strigently.

  1. Be respectful and courteous to anyone in the room.
  2. Follow directions.
  3. No horseplay.
  4. Come prepared each day to class. (Textbook, paper, writing utensil)
  5. Complete assignments on time.